BibliografÃa con valor agregado sobre el VIH/sida en mujeres
Texto completo:
Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica sobre el VIH/sida en mujeres en el perÃodo 2006-2012, con el objetivo de elaborar una bibliografÃa con valor agregado para brindar un producto informativo que facilite la consulta del tema a profesionales y estudiantes de la salud. Para su creación se revisaron las bases de datos Cumed, Pumed, Cochrane, Dynamed, Ebsco, SciELO Cuba y SciELO Regional. Este producto informativo posibilitó la elaboración de hojas y boletines en dependencia de las necesidades informativas de los usuarios. Facilitó acceder de forma rápida al tema, para lo cual se utilizaron  las  fuentes de información más confiables, también, se redujo el tiempo en las búsquedas. Los resúmenes del artÃculo poseen las citas bibliográficas según las normas de Vancouver. Sirvió de apoyo al servicio de la diseminación selectiva de la información a investigadores, médicos, estomatólogos, residentes, profesores y estudiantes interesados en el tema. La revisión concluyó con las hojas y boletines elaborados que permitió el trabajo de extensión bibliotecaria. Contribuyó a la promoción y educación de salud en la comunidad, para ampliar la información que tienen los adolescentes de la Secundaria Básica Blas Soler Ledea sobre el VIH/sida. Estos productos informativos se encuentran divulgados en la PoliclÃnica de Alcides Pino de HolguÃn y forman parte de las acciones que realiza la biblioteca de esta institución sobre el Proyecto Ronda 6.
Palabras clave: VIH, infecciones por VIH, sÃndrome, inmunodeficiencia adquirida.
Key words
A literature review on HIV/AIDS took place in women in the 2006-2012 period, with the aim of producing a bibliography with value-added to provide an information product that facilitates the consultation of the theme to professionals and students in health. Cumed, Pumed, Cochrane, Dynamed, Ebsco, SciELO Cuba and Regional SciELO databases were reviewed for its creation. This information product enabled the preparation of sheets and bulletins in reliance on the information needs of users. It has facilitated quick access to the topic, which were used reliable sources of information, as well as reduced time in searches. Abstracts of the article have citations according to the standards of Vancouver. It served as a support at the service of the selective dissemination of information to researchers, physicians, dentists, residents, teachers and students interested in the topic. As conclusions with leaves and elaborate bulletins allowed extension librarian work; I contribute to the promotion and education of community health, for more information that have teenagers of the secondary basic Blas Soler Ledea on HIV/AIDS. These information products are disclosed in the Polyclinic of Alcides pine HolguÃn and are part of the actions that makes this unit on the project library round 6.
A literature review on HIV/AIDS in women, from 2006-2012, with the aim of offering a bibliography with value-added to provide an information product for health professionals and students to find information on the topic was carried out. Cumed, Pubmed, Cochrane, Dynamed, Ebsco, SciELO Cuba and Regional SciELO databases were reviewed for its creation. This information product enabled the preparation of sheets and bulletins depending on the users’ information needs. It had facilitated a quick access to the topic, by using reliable sources of information, as well as reduced time in searching. Abstracts of the article had the references according to the standards of Vancouver. It was useful for researchers, physicians, dentists, residents, teachers and students interested in the topic. The elaborated bulletins allowed the library extension work, contributing to the promotion and education of community health, and to improve the information the adolescents of Blas Soler Ledea secondary school had on HIV/AIDS. These information products were discussed at Alcides Pino Polyclinic, and were part of the actions that the library of this institution developed to support the library project Ronda 6.
Keywords: HIV, HIV infections, syndrome, acquired immunodeficiency.
Copyright (c) 2021 Martha Leonor González RodrÃguez, Daili Yero Fernández, Alina Villanueva Pérez

Esta obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional.