Tratamiento con acupuntura para sacrolumbalgia aguda en deportistas de alto rendimiento de la provincia HolguÃn
Texto completo:
Palabras clave: deportistas, acupuntura, sacrolumbalgia
A study was carried out with the objective of determining the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment for acute low back pain in athletes at Holguin province. A total of 142 athletes that were presented in the Sport Traumatology Doctor´s Office with a 6 month evolution diagnosed with sacrolumbalgia, who accepted to take part in the research, were studied. An acupuncture treatment was applied. Males of 15 and 16 years old were the age group most affected together with the training stage and the combat sports. A 79.57% have not received a treatment before and a 69.71% improved after 5 to 10 treatment sessions. Treatment response was good in 74.64% of the patients.
Key words: athletes, acupuncture, low back pain
Copyright (c) 2021 Mariela Diéguez MartÃnez, José Luis Reyna Carralero, Odalis Ricardo Santiesteban, Ivelin MartÃnez Pino, Leydis Mulet Fuentes

Esta obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional.